Forever Clear BBL™

A revolutionary acne treatment exclusive to The Skin Room

Full Face | $300

Full Face & Neck | $349

Great for acne prone skin.

Why it works.



This three-step treatment utilizes BroadBand Light to target active acne, cystic acne, and the red or brown marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) left behind by acne breakouts.


Skin is first treated with blue BBL light, which helps to eliminate acne-causing bacteria in the pores. It is them treated with an additional light to reduce the inflammation and redness associated with acne to restore healthy luminous skin. Lastly, the skin is treated with SkinTyte II ™ using infrared light to initiate the body’s natural healing process.


  • Improved complexion and clarity

  • Less noticeable pores

  • Reduction in redness and irritation

Additional Information

  • We are pleased to be the exclusive skincare studio in Edson offer Forever Clear BBL™ - a revolutionary laser acne treatment that uses the power of light to comfortably and effectively clear acne when other options have failed. Forever Clear BBL™ is a three-step treatment that utilizes BroadBand Light to target active acne, cystic acne, and the red or brown marks (post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation) left behind by acne breakouts. Suitable for all ages, Forever Clear BBL™ will leave you with clear, healthy, and radiant skin.

  • Forever Clear BBL™ uses a unique three-step process, not available with other IPL technologies

    Step One:

    Skin is treated with blue BBL light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria in the pores.

    Step Two:

    Skin is treated with yellow BBL light to reduce the inflammation and redness associated with acne to restore healthy luminous skin.

    Step Three:

    For added benefit, the skin is treated with SkinTyte II™ using infrared light to initiate the body’s natural healing process.


  • The treatment is recommended for men and women of all ages who are experiencing active acne. Please schedule a complimentary consultation with us to ensure you are an ideal candidate.

  • Most areas of the body can be treated, the most common being face, neck, or back.

  • Forever Clear BBL™ may take 15-30 minutes depending on the area(s) being treated.

  • Forever Clear BBL™ is non-invasive, gentle, and safe. Your skin will feel warm during the treatment, however it is not uncomfortable.

  • There is typically no downtime after Forever Clear BBL™. Your skin may be slightly red after the treatment, and this typically resolves within a few hours. You will be able to apply makeup and resume normal activities immediately following the procedure.

  • We typically recommend a series of six to eight treatments spaced 1-2 weeks apart. Please check with Katelyn for specific treatments details. 

  • You can expect to see clearer skin, and your pores will be less noticeable. Acne marks will fade and your skin will be more even-toned. You may begin to see improvement after your first treatment, however maximum results will occur when you follow the treatment protocol, and use the recommended home care products.

Post-Treatment Care Instructions | Forever Clear BBL™ PhotoFacial

After Treatment: Immediately-72 hours:

The area will feel warm like a sun burn. Red bumps may appear and last up to 72 hours. 

A minimum SPF 30 Sunblock (UVA/UVB) should be used throughout the course of your treatment. 

Results may take up to 4 weeks, or in some cases, as little as a few days. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call 780-728-7546. 

For emergencies, please call 780-728-8691. 

Darkening of sun damage and pigmentation is normal, and required in order for best results. This may last anywhere from 3 days up to 3 weeks. 

An ice pack or chilled face cloth can be applied to treated area to alleviate discomfort. 

Mineral makeup can be applied as long as the skin is not broken. 

You will repeat the treatment anywhere from 3-4 weeks or as outlined by your practitioner. 

Uncommon, but possible:

If the skin is broken or a blister appears, apply Polysporin and contact the clinic. Also, for further protection, keep the affected area covered and avoid direct sunlight while experiencing these symptoms. Delayed blistering secondary to sun exposure has been noted up to 72 hours post treatment. 

If you experience an irritated raised rash after treatment, Benadryl should help relieve the itchiness. Although rare, these symptoms may take up to several weeks to subside. 

Do Not:

Do not expose the treated area to direct sunlight/tanning beds for a minimum of 2 weeks following procedure. 

Do not have a hot shower, hot tub or engage in vigorous activity for 12 hours. 

Do not pick at the pigmentated lesions. They will appear darker and may have a mild crust. Picking can result in scarring and undesired.